Mission & Objectives

  • Help veterans.
  • Help civilians.
  • Equip the military and clinicians with our technology.

Our Founder

Our founder, Master Gunnery Sergeant, Gregory L. Gillispie (Ret.), is committed to helping his fellow veterans, one brain at a time.

Master Gunnery Sergeant Gregory L. Gillispie retired after a distinguished 30-year career in the Marine Corps. The majority of Greg’s career was spent with the Marine Corps’ most elite units: Reconnaissance Battalions, Force Reconnaissance Companies, and other Special Operations Forces to include Naval Special Warfare command.

He was deployed overseas ten times with seven combat deployments in the Middle East. In 2007, Greg retired with multiple concussions, blast injuries, a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and severe PTSD symptoms. Five years of traditional medical treatments and countless prescriptions were of little help, and he continued to struggle with chronic pain and many PTSD symptoms, including debilitating migraines.

In 2012, Greg volunteered to be patient zero in a brain study utilizing Neurogen’s HPN technology to treat veterans with TBI’s. He received ten treatments over three weeks, after which Greg’s symptoms virtually disappeared.  Before and after brain scans confirmed the effectiveness of the treatments.

Inspired by his own phenomenal response, Greg dedicated himself to bringing Neurogen HPN’s life-changing technology to his fellow veterans.

In 2018, Greg co-founded  Neurogen Brain Balancing with the express goal of helping combat veterans who have PTSD, for free.

Serving the greater community

Over time, success stories quickly spread from the veterans to their families and then out to the larger community.  Knowing that anyone with a brain could benefit from Neurogen HPN, sharing it with everyone was the next logical step.

Today, Neurogen Brain Balancing proudly serves both military and civilians alike.

Our Team

Hand-picked by our founder, Gregory L. Gillispie, our team of dedicated technical advisors, doctors, and practitioners hold the highest ethical standards and share his passion to help veterans and civilians, one brain at a time.

All of us at Neurogen Brain Balancing stand ready to serve.

Book now to schedule a free consultation.

Team Member Highlights

Dennis Yeatman

Chief Operations Officer

Our Chief Operations Officer and founding partner, Dennis Yeatman, is a Naval Academy graduate and retired as a Navy Commander after a distinguished 20-year career in the Navy. He has a MS in Business Administration from Boston University and 35+ years of practical business experience, including Naval Logistics, Bank of America and a leading US insurance company.

Dennis was an immediate believer in the benefits of Neurogen Brain Balancing. Just one session significantly improved the quality of life of his son who suffered from severe concussions sustained from five years in the NFL.

His focus with Neurogen is operations, standardizing procedures, sales, finance and systems support. Dennis is passionate about making Neurogen Brain Balancing available across the United States, and beyond.

Robert S. Rosen, MD, FAAO, MBA

Medical Director

Dr. Rosen is the Medical Director for Neurogen Brain Balancing and is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist.

Dr. Rosen first became aware of the unique problems facing our veterans when he taught surgery at the VA Hospital in San Diego, California, and at Ft. Cambell, Kentucky, where he performed LASIK surgery on members of the 101st Airborne. He observed firsthand, the suffering of our Gulf War and Vietnam veterans and was determined to help.  Dr. Rosen is passionate about helping veterans overcome PTSD and he is committed to bringing Neurogen’s life-changing technology to all veterans suffering from PTSD.

He earned his Medical Degree from the University of Michigan and scored in the top 1% on Part 3 of the National Boards.  He earned his MBA from Pepperdine University.

In addition to his vast medical background, Dr. Rosen has extensive clinical, corporate, and charitable foundation experience including FDA YAG Laser studies, the development of Visual Field Machines, and drug development studies.  He was the Founder and Medical Director of the Pearle Eye Foundation which has impacted millions of people in 53 countries.  He was President of the San Diego Eye Bank and President of the Southern Region of the National Society to Prevent Blindness.


What our clients are saying

Neurogen has been a life-changer for me

For most of my life, I suffered with insomnia, routinely only getting about 4 hours of sleep and waking up exhausted. I coped with it pretty well throughout my 20’s and 30’s but as I entered my 40’s, I started to feel tired all the time. I resisted taking any drugs and tried over-the-counter meds but never found any real relief until I tried Neurogen. After only a few treatments, I started to notice a difference. After about 10 treatments, I began to sleep 7-8 hours a night and wake up feeling rested. A huge bonus has been that I’m more focused at work than ever before. So, for anyone who doesn’t sleep well, I would highly recommend Neurogen. Sleep is too important not to give it a shot! 

~ JP, San Diego, CA

I am a recovering TBI patient

I noticed that my memory improved the first week after trying Neurogen. After that, I couldn't help but keep going regularly. Neurogen has been a Godsend for me and I can't recommend them enough!

~ John, San Diego

I’ve struggled with PTSD issues related to my combat experience

I’ve struggled with PTSD issues related to my combat experience and injuries in combat. I’ve tried EMDR, exposure therapy, talk therapy, and meds to deal with the anxiety, anger, and depression and every type of treatment I’ve tried has caused side effects. With the Neurogen treatments, I don’t have to relive the horrors that I’ve experienced, deal with nightmares from bringing up the past, or feeling completely numb from being on meds. The Neurogen treatments are wonderful and pain free. Linda and I work together as a team to develop a plan and target the specific issues that I am dealing with. I leave the treatment sessions in a positive mood, I’m able to control my anger much better, and I’m getting more restful sleep. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first and I was a little skeptical, but after completing multiple treatments, I’m so glad that I gave it a shot and was able to experience the positive results from the treatments.

~Douglas, Virginia Beach, VA

I had a hard time making decisions - even simple ones, were difficult

I am a cancer survivor. That is, I survived the cancer but the brain fog, that came after chemotherapy was debilitating. I had a hard time making decisions - even simple ones, were difficult. I couldn't focus and I'd lost the ability to read more than a few sentences without losing my train of thought. I was frustrated all the time. I was referred by a friend to Neurogen and I have been very happy with the results. It took 20 sessions to really get my head clear, but it was worth the time and effort. I'm happy to recommend Neurogen for anyone who wants to improve their focus and overall brain health.

~James, San Diego, CA

...a concussion left me with several health problems that doctors couldn’t help

I came to Neurogen after a concussion left me with several health problems that doctors couldn’t help with including vision issues, tinnitus, vertigo, and shortness of breath. I was almost ready to give up hope of feeling better when I heard about Neurogen Brain Balancing. It has been a huge help. All my symptoms have seen improvement and I feel much, much better than I did a few months ago when I started.
I worked with Anne Morgan and she has been amazing. She’s very knowledgeable and has been able to answer lots of questions and provide me with many useful resources. She’s very kind and empathetic and she’s been extremely flexible working with my schedule. I highly recommend trying out brain balancing.

~John, San Diego, CA

I believe that Neurogen gave me my life back

I am a 55-yr old female who suffered from anxiety, depression, severe insomnia, obsessive racing thoughts, memory problems, and noise sensitivity. My mind and body were in a constant state of fight/flight and I went for more than a year sleeping only a few hours each night. The thought of making dinner for my family put me into a state of anxiety and I was unable to go shopping alone. Even sitting through a family dinner or going on an outing was very difficult. I had lost 25 lbs, resigned from my nursing job, and had seen 5 doctors. I was prescribed sleeping, anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and mood stabilizer medications. I was in the worst condition of my life and barely functioning, feeling like I might never heal or have a normal life again..... I felt hopeless and helpless.

Then at the suggestion of my doctor, I started Neurogen and my life began to change. The process did take some time and it was hard to tell how much it was helping at first. I knew that the science was there to show that it works and the testimonials were impressive, so I kept going. After several treatments, I could tell there was a difference. I started sleeping better, the anxiety decreased, my cognitive abilities improved, and I began to participate in family events. I became more stable and was also able to taper off of three medications. I am functioning much better and feel like I have a future. There is no doubt in my mind that Neurogen has been vital to my healing....It was a game-changer. Equally important were the providers, Greg and Terri..... They are two of the most sincere, compassionate people I have ever met. Without their confidence and encouragement, I would not have believed I could regain my health. I have recommended Neurogen to a number of friends and family members without hesitation and will continue to do so in the future!

~ Sharon, Escondido, CA

My high schooler was struggling to focus and keep up with his homework

My high schooler was struggling to focus and keep up with his homework and distance learning made it even harder. It seemed like everyday was a struggle to get assignments turned in, let alone learn anything. He started Neurogen treatments a few months ago and I've noticed a big improvement. He is able to better manage his work and best of all, his attitude is improved. Overall, he's a happier kid and he's more tolerant of his siblings - that alone is reason enough to recommend Neurogen Brain Balancing 🙂

~Michelle, San Diego, CA

How grateful I am for this technology!

How grateful I am for this technology!  I am additionally grateful to the team at Neurogen and the ground breaking work they have been accomplishing!  Because of this work I was in a position to hear experiences from a couple of good personal friends and potential help for my husband.  Of our 24 years of marriage, I have been witness to endless suffering due to a childhood full of anxiety, stress and trauma (physical as well as emotional).  The fall out from this past has manifested itself in a variety of forms, most of which are debilitating to well being.  Over the years we have tried numerous avenues only to be disappointed time and again.  So to be honest, although hopeful, we went into this new venture without expectations.  To our joy and surprise, the very first treatment effected my husband in such a way so as to give him a sense of calm and quiet that he has rarely experienced since very early childhood,  if at all it was always fleeting and momentary.  This was not in our imaginations.  It was tangible, it was real!  We understand that treatment is ongoing.  The crazy world gets in the way to create havoc once more.  But please understand that the benefits realized in our case although not permanent were far from momentary, far from fleeting, and were reproduced in subsequent treatments along with other tangible strides forward.  We truly feel as though figurative prison bonds have been slowly, but no doubt crumbling around him.  We cannot thank you enough Neurogen…. Thank you! 

Sandra, Julian, CA

I was trapped in a deep, can't-get-out-of-bed depression...

I suffered from several psychiatric disorders, including Bipolar Type 2 and PTSD.  When I first tried HPN, I was an empty shell of a person, non-functioning, trapped in a deep, can't-get-out-of-bed depression.  HPN quite literally gave me my life back.  It restored me to an emotional equilibrium I hadn't fel in ages, and I was able to function again.

~ Michelle M.

I'm a retired NFL player with severe concussions

I'm a retired NFL veteran that had severe concussions. Following just three brain balancing sessions, I was able to clearly focus. My headaches went away and I was able to sleep restfully for the 1st time in years. I'm extremely grateful for the positive impact of Neurogen on my mental health.

~ William, NYC, New York

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Bring your brain back into balance with the help of Neurogen High Performance Neurofeedback Therapy
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